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Metal Braces or Invisalign: Which is Right for You?

October 3, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — camenzuli @ 8:34 am
A dentist holding a jaw mockup with Invisalign trays and another with metal braces

As you aim for a straighter smile, you’ll learn that two big treatments could help. One option would be traditional braces, which stand for an older form of orthodontics. Another is the Invisalign system – a newer type of dental work that’s gotten quite popular lately. Given these choices, you may wonder: should you get metal braces or Invisalign? Learn the answer to that concern in this helpful primer from your New Orleans dentist.

How Do Metal Braces Work?

When you picture old-school orthodontics, metal braces will likely come to mind. These devices have been making smiles straighter for many decades now.

In short, metal braces are steel brackets and wires that attach to your smile. An orthodontist cements the brackets to each tooth while the wires fit through bracket slots to hold the braces together. Once formed, the full devices apply pressure that slowly moves and realigns your crooked teeth. A dental team will also periodically tighten their wires (during visits) to keep treatment on track.

A notable trait of metal braces is that they’re visible when you smile. That said, you can make them less noticeable with tooth-colored ligatures.

What About Invisalign?

Invisalign is the new treatment on the block, at least compared to metal braces. Even so, its results have made it very popular these last few years.

Invisalign is a set of clear, plastic trays – “aligners” – for a patient’s crooked teeth. When worn, they slowly shift each tooth into proper alignment with micro-movements. That process occurs as the patient keeps the aligners on their teeth for about 20-22 hours a day. Once a pair of trays have done their work, the orthodontist will provide the next ones in the set.

All in all, patients really like Invisalign because its trays are subtle and removable. They don’t draw unwanted attention and can be taken off for meals and teeth cleaning.

Which Option Is Right for Me?

Overall, neither metal braces nor Invisalign is absolutely “better” than the other. Which of the two is right “for you” depends on your smile and preferences.

For example, you may want metal braces for a straight smile at any price. They’re well-suited for treating severe orthodontic issues over a longer period. In exchange, they tend to be costly and have drawbacks like “metal mouth” and harder oral care.

On the other hand, Invisalign could suit you best if you prefer a smoother treatment experience. Its trays cause less pain and use clear plastic, so they don’t interfere with daily tasks. However, the trays work best for mild-to-moderate orthodontic issues; they won’t help much for severe problems.

The points above should help you choose between metal braces or Invisalign. Still, remember to talk to your dental provider – they’ll confirm which would help you most!

About the Practice

Camenzuli Dental Excellence is based in New Orleans, LA. Led by Dr. Robert A. Camenzuli, our practice prides itself on offering comfy and practical dentistry. We always strive to deliver treatments customized for each patient’s smile, whether the procedure is preventive, cosmetic, or restorative in nature. That means we’ll help with everything from dental checkups to orthodontic stuff like metal braces and Invisalign! For more details, please reach us on our website or by phone at (504)-584-4225.

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