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Veneers or Dental Crowns: What to Pick?

October 15, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — camenzuli @ 9:45 am
Veneers and dental crowns sitting against a black background

When it comes to practical dentistry, veneers and dental crowns are some of the most versatile options. Either one of these treatments could fix a great many of your grin’s faults! Of course, just knowing these facts could leave you with a crucial question: Should you get veneers or dental crowns? You wouldn’t want to commit to a procedure that doesn’t suit your smile. Well, just keep reading to learn about the two cosmetic treatments and which one is right for you.


Metal Braces or Invisalign: Which is Right for You?

October 3, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — camenzuli @ 8:34 am
A dentist holding a jaw mockup with Invisalign trays and another with metal braces

As you aim for a straighter smile, you’ll learn that two big treatments could help. One option would be traditional braces, which stand for an older form of orthodontics. Another is the Invisalign system – a newer type of dental work that’s gotten quite popular lately. Given these choices, you may wonder: should you get metal braces or Invisalign? Learn the answer to that concern in this helpful primer from your New Orleans dentist.
