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The Usual Suspects: 4 Common Post-Op Dental Implant Surgery Questions

July 11, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — camenzuli @ 4:46 pm
a patient holding onto a model of dental implants

By undergoing dental implant treatment, you’ll be able to rebuild your bite as well as enjoy a wide range of advantages to having a complete smile again. However, while you might be aware of how the procedure itself will go, it’s normal to wonder what you’ll need to do immediately after your surgery. Knowing how to care for your smile while maintaining good progress during recovery can ensure your healing goes as smoothly as possible. Read on to learn the answers to four of the most common post-op questions about dental implant surgery.

Question #1: Will There Be Discomfort?

While you shouldn’t feel any pain during the surgery itself, it’s normal to expect some mild soreness and/or discomfort afterward once the local anesthetic wears off. The level of discomfort that you might experience can also depend on the number of dental implants you receive. Other than resting, you’ll want to take over-the-counter/prescribed pain relievers as well as use a cold compress to reduce swelling. In most cases, any discomfort will be short-lived and easy to manage with these tips.

Question #2: Can I Drive Myself Home?

Once you’ve undergone dental implant surgery, the numbing effects of the local anesthesia won’t likely wear off until a few hours later. This means you’ll need to have a trusted friend or relative drive you to and from your appointment. Sometimes patients will be able to go back to doing their normal daily activities 24 hours after their procedure. Until then, avoid doing anything strenuous and get plenty of sleep.

Question #3: What Can I Eat (And When)?

Patients should be able to eat around an hour after finishing their dental implant surgery, but you’ll want to only stick to soft foods that don’t require any chewing. This means you should stick to yogurt, warm tomato soup, or applesauce for at least the first 24 hours. Over time, when the implant has properly fused with the jawbone, you can start to reintroduce other meals while still paying attention not to disturb the implant site.

Question #4: Can I Clean My Teeth?

Although it’s important to keep your smile clean after your surgery, you won’t want to interfere with the healing process. 24 hours after receiving your implants, you may be able to resume brushing and flossing, but make sure to avoid the surgical site. You can also rinse with salt water to minimize swelling and disinfect your mouth. Instead of spitting out the mouthrinse, let it pour from your mouth to the sink, that way you don’t disturb the blood clot around the implant.

The way you care for your mouth after your procedure is incredibly important for the longevity of your brand-new smile. Keep these tips in mind following your surgery, and you should be able to set yourself up for success!

About the Author

Dr. Robert A. Camenzuli is dedicated to providing a wide range of effective dental procedures, including dental implants. He studied at the Louisiana State University School of Dentistry for his Doctor of Dental Surgery and is a member of the International Congress of Oral Implantologists. If you have any questions or concerns about dental implants or wish to schedule a consultation, visit his website or call him at 504-584-4225.

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