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Restoration Speculation: What Do Dental Implants Feel Like?

May 6, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — camenzuli @ 7:42 pm
Woman in white tank top outside smiling with sunbeams behind her

Having gaps in your grin can impact your self-confidence in several different ways. Your teeth play a crucial role in your ability to eat, speak, and smile normally so when they go missing, simple tasks suddenly become more difficult.

Fortunately, your dentist can refurbish your mouth with dental implants, which many providers consider to be the ideal restoration. They’re the only artificial teeth that are surgically placed in your jawbone to provide several unique advantages. Many patients who are considering these replacements, however, want to know what results to expect. What do dental implants look and feel like? If you’re curious, continue reading to find out!


Aesthetic Advantages: 3 Ways Dental Implants Enhance Your Appearance

May 1, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — camenzuli @ 6:03 pm
Woman with brown hair in orange sweater smiling and pointing to her left with two fingers

Many experts consider dental implants to be the gold standard of tooth replacements because, unlike dental bridges and dentures, they are directly inserted into your jawbone. As a result, they offer many unique oral health benefits.  

For instance, did you know that your jaw begins to weaken after tooth loss because your body reabsorbs bone mass that’s no longer needed to support your missing tooth? Unfortunately, if enough time passes, it can deteriorate enough that it can’t serve as a foundation for your remaining teeth. Dental implants prevent this process because the titanium rod acts like a root to keep your jawbone active and healthy.

These prosthetics also offer several cosmetic advantages to be aware of. Continue reading to learn 3 of the ways that dental implants can also enhance your appearance!
