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Why Do Older Adults Have Higher Rates of Gum Disease?

January 26, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — camenzuli @ 12:02 am
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With age comes wisdom, but it unfortunately also brings gum disease to many people. Gingivitis and periodontitis are much more common among people over the age of sixty, and they can lead to tooth loss as well as serious consequences for your overall health. Gum disease may lead to the development of illnesses such as diabetes, heart disease, and dangerous secondary infections. Here are a few reasons why older adults are at greater risk of developing gum disease and a few tips to help you keep your smile healthy after six decades of use.

What Is Gum Disease?

Gum disease starts as gingivitis, or inflammation of the gums around the base of teeth. While gingivitis may seem to only cause negligible irritation at first, it will become worse if left untreated and eventually progress to periodontitis. Periodontitis causes visible and irreversible damage such as receding gumlines, erosion of the jawbone, and tooth loss. To make matters worse, the bacteria infecting the gums at this stage can travel through the bloodstream to infect other tissues in the body, causing potentially life-threatening secondary infections like pneumonia or sepsis.

Why Do Seniors Suffer More from Gum Disease?

Age-related factors and many years of bad habits can make someone more vulnerable to gum disease. Tobacco use is absolutely horrible for your oral health, and a few decades of smoking or chewing the stuff can leave your gums in a withered and compromised state. Years of frequent alcohol use can also interfere with your gums’ ability to heal and fight infections.

For many people, old age comes with mobility issues or medication regimens. People who are less able to perform essential oral hygiene due to arthritis may skip brushing and flossing, which can lead to gum disease. Some people deal with depression or medications with debilitating side effects, making them less able to perform these basic acts of self-care.

How Can I Keep My Smile Healthy After Sixty?

The good news is that gum disease is not inevitable in your senior years. An excellent oral hygiene regimen that includes brushing, flossing, and antibacterial mouthwash will keep your mouth’s bacterial populations at manageable levels while stimulating the gums so they can maintain a healthy blood flow. While this is often enough to clear up mild gingivitis, more advanced cases or periodontitis require professional dental intervention to be resolved. Kicking the smoking habit and limiting sugar and alcohol consumption can also keep your gums safe from infections and harmful chemicals.

With the right habits, you can keep your gums healthy for a lifetime. Consulting with your dentist can determine if any periodontal treatments are appropriate to improve your oral health.

About the Practice

Camenzuli Dental Excellence delivers amazing dental health services to the community of New Orleans, LA. Led by Dr. Robert Camenzuli, the staff ensures each patient receives personalized and holistic care that effectively treats their needs. Areas of expertise include preventive, cosmetic, emergency, and restorative dentistry such as periodontal treatments. For more information on keeping your gums healthy after age sixty, contact his office online or dial (504) 584-4225.